Building Open, Scalable Service Delivery Infrastructures

Communication Service Providers (CSPs) are committed to the vision that the most valuable services in the future will be delivered with the simplicity and the agility of the cloud.The telecomm industry’s growing open ecosystem gives CSPs more choice in their technologies and partners as they modernize to cloud-native networks. CSPs need the various technologies of this open ecosystem to work together seamlessly to offer differentiated edge services and reduce costs. 

Find out how Dell is making a significant contribution to the agility and efficiency of CSPs’ operations in Paul Parker-Johnson's ACG Research Industry Directions Brief.​

For an analysis of the contribution Dell Telecom Multi-Cloud Foundation can make to accelerating CSPs’ revenue and reducing their OpEx, read Peter Fetterolf's ACG Research TCO Study for Telecom Multi-Cloud Foundation.

For more information about Dell: https://www.dell.com/en-us/dt/corporate/newsroom/announcements/detailpage.press-releases~usa~2022~02~20220222-dell-technologies-telecom-solutions-simplify-and-accelerate-modern-open-network-deployments.htm#/filter-on/Country:en-us

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