The Economic Benefits of the Ciena Virtualized Edge Solution

Over the last decade, enterprise networking has experienced a key paradigm shift with the transition from the deployment of physical network appliances that host specific network functions to the virtualization of those network functions or Network Functions Virtualization.

Key benefits of virtualization include:

 All network functions share the same uCPE hardware platform

  • Reduces CAPEX
  • Lowers sparing expenses 
  • Reduces power consumption
  • Decreases equipment obsolescence
  • Increases operational agility
  • Enables easy deployment of new network functions without hardware installation

▶ Complete application flexibility to meet ever-changing business requirements: Add applications or exchange for newer technologies without additional capital equipment investment 

▶ A single uCPE device can support multiple network connections for reliability, including LTE/5G backup to provide for high availability 

▶ NFV is well suited to network orchestration and automated management

▶ VNF software can be scaled up or down to meet branch office requirements

Read more about Ciena's Virtualized Edge Solution in Peter Fetterolf's business case The Economic Benefits of the Ciena Virtualized Edge Solution

Contact sales@acgcc.com for more information about our business case analysis services.

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